From Thursday 19th to Friday 20th September 2024, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Greece (NRDC-GR) organized the “SIKINOS 24” Intelligence Seminar, in Thessaloniki, Greece. The purpose of the annual “SIKINOS” Intelligence Seminars is to improve Intel knowledge and understanding in the various areas of interest of the Alliance, as well as strengthening relationships between NATO HQs and affiliated forces.
This year seminar covered the topic “Understanding Russia’s potential hybrid or conventional actions and its influence in the Balkans, after the Ukrainian War”, aiming at understanding the situation, in terms of the regional security and stability and the potential challenges NATO may face in the area of Balkans.
The seminar was attended by 24 external participants and briefers from various NATO entities, namely NATO Intelligence Fusion Center, Joint Force Command Naples, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Italy, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Spain, Multinational Corps South-East, Multinational Division South, NATO Force Integration Units Romania, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia.