From Monday the 29th till Wednesday the 31st of May 2023, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Greece (NRDC-GR) conducted the Phase 1 of the “Laison and Reconnaissance Team (LRT) Training” in its premises in Thessaloniki.
The aim of the training was to explain the role of LRT to NRDC-GR Staff, and enhance the LRT members’ understanding on matters related of Political, Military, Economic, Social, Infrastructure and Information domains with comments and assessments, in order to better support the Operations Planning Group and the Commander’s decision-making process. Through this training, the assigned LRT personnel participated academic and practical training to increase its skills, expertise and readiness and to familiarize with the procedures of the LRT.
Phase 2 of the Laison and Reconnaissance Team (LRT) training” will take place in Camp “PROKOPIDI” (ASSIROS) from 27 to 28 September 2023, focusing on hands-on practice of LRT procedures, with a real deployment.