NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Greece (NRDC-GR) is proud to introduce its Internship Program (NIP) for the 1st Semester of 2023 and provide,University students and recent graduates with the opportunity to intern at our premises, located in Thessaloniki, Greece. Through its NIP, NRDC-GR aims to offer young candidates of different background the prospect to familiarise with specific areas of our Organization.
The Internship Program seeks for up to 15 interns. Their cooperation with the HQ NRDC-GR is built upon the willingness to cooperate on a non-paid voluntary basis, aiming to improve their educational qualifications and understanding of the NATO military environment.
We are generally interested in those with the following skillsets:
- Information Technology
- Business Administration, Finance and Contracting ï International Studies
- Civil-military cooperation
- International Law
- Public Affairs/Media/Journalism
- International Relations/ Law/ Islamic Studies/ Gender Studies
- Strategic Studies
- Information System Management/Informatics
- System Analysis and Design
- Medical Studies
- Linguistic Services
For more information, visit NRDC-GR Internship Program.