NRDC-GR “Cross Cutting Topics in Armed Conflicts” Seminar

On Tuesday the 18th and Wednesday the 19th of October 2022, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Greece (NRDC-GR), conducted the CIMIC seminar 2022, that was focused on Cross Cutting Topics in Armed Conflicts.

The aim of the seminar was to get military staff, familiar with a range of topics, which affect a mission and fall outside of the military’s primary responsibilities: Protection of Civilians, Cultural Property Protection, Children and Armed Conflicts, Women, Peace and Security and Building Integrity.

The seminar comprised a combination of dedicated lectures, carried out by the representatives of International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) and Transparency International Greece, the President of the Hellenic Committee of Blue Shield, distinguished professors of the Academic community and NRDC-GR/Communication Division and LEGAD staff officers.

The seminar participants came from the Allied Joint Force Command (JFC) Brunssum, Multinational CIMIC Group (ITA), 2nd Mountain Brigade (ROU), Greek Affiliated Formations, the Greek CIMIC Coy, post graduated students (interns) and our HQ staff.