On Tuesday the 10th and Wednesday the 11th of May 2022, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Greece (NRDC-GR) hosted in its premises the “LAND DOMAIN LOGISTICS CONFERENCE-AMALTHEIA 2022” (LDLC-A 22) which combined the LANDCOM’s Land Domain Logistics Conference (LDLC), with the NRDC-GR’s annual AMALTHEIA seminar, with speakers and participants from NATO Command Structure (NCS) HQs and NATO Force Structure (NFS) HQs.
At the begging of the event, the NRDC-GR Commander, Lieutenant General Sotirios KOSTAKOGLOU, welcomed all the participants, highlighted the importance of the seminar constituted a great opportunity for all to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills and discuss issues related to land logistics, sharing information and reinforcing the Joint Logistics Network.
The aim of the “LDLC-A 22” was to improve the knowledge, interoperability and communication within the NATO Logistics Community, taking into account the NRDC-GR’s role as Multi – Corps Land Component Command (MC LCC). Also, it was focused on gaining and setting a “MC-LCC support” common understanding, from Strategic to Tactical level and conducting vignette-led discussions, in order to clarify and de-conflict key aspects of operating, in the logistic domain as MC-LCC in a Major Joint Operation Plus (MJO +).
The event focused on the Logistic Challenges in Complex High Intensity Operations and the participants had the opportunity to understand and discuss, apart from the aforementioned, topics about Stockpiling, Theatre Logistics and Tactical Implications.
The valid COVID-19 protocols were implemented and the protective measures were followed.