From Monday the 28th of March until Friday the 8th of April 2022, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Greece (NRDC-GR) conducted the Crisis Response Planning (CRP), Phase IIB of the Exercise “GORDIAN KNOT 2022”(GOKN22), at the premises of “PEDION AREOS” Camp in Thessaloniki, with the participation of Staff Officers from other entities involved in GOKN22 (NRDC-ESP & 2nd (ROU) Mountain Troops Brigade).
The NRDC-GR Commander, Lieutenant General Sotirios KOSTAKOGLOU attended the Mission Analysis Briefing (MAB) on Friday 01 Apr and the Course of Action Analysis Briefing (COA) on Friday the 8Apr 22.
During the entire process, the valid COVID-19 protocols were implemented and the protective measures were followed.