G.S. Rakovski National Defence College of Bulgaria Visits NATO RAPID DEPLOYABLE CORPS-GREECE

On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, a delegation of faculty professors and students from the G.S. Rakovski National Defence College of Bulgaria visited the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Greece (NRDC-GR) in Thessaloniki.

The visiting officers, received a briefing on the organization, role, and capabilities of NRDC-GR. They had the opportunity to attend NRDC-GR’s daily activities and Battle Rhythm, tailored to their respective areas of expertise.

This visit allowed them to gain insights and basic knowledge regarding NATO instructions and procedures. It also provided an excellent opportunity for mutual learning and fostered the ties between the G.S. Rakovski National Defence College and NRDC-GR, highlighting the importance of collaboration and knowledge exchange within the NATO community.