

NRDC-GR 20th Plenary Conference

On Wednesday the 23rd of October 2024, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Greece (NRDC-GR) Headquarters hosted the 20th Plenary Conference, under the auspices of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDGS). The Participating Nations representatives, during the Plenary, confirmed their commitment to NRDC-GR, while they reached a consensus on issues related to the HQ’s organizational changes and…

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“SIKINOS-24” Intelligence Seminar

From Thursday 19th to Friday 20th September 2024, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Greece (NRDC-GR) organized the “SIKINOS 24” Intelligence Seminar, in Thessaloniki, Greece. The purpose of the annual “SIKINOS” Intelligence Seminars is to improve Intel knowledge and understanding in the various areas of interest of the Alliance, as well as strengthening relationships between NATO HQs and…

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ARISTOTLE Deep Dive Seminar

On Thursday the 27th of June 2024, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Greece (NRDC-GR), conducted the “Aristotle Deep Dive” Seminar. The seminar was designed to enhance NRDC-GR staff conceptual and doctrinal knowledge and situational awareness in order to improve the HQ capacity to plan and operate as a NATO Force Structure entity, within the framework of…

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LOGFAS Operational Movement Planning and Movement Execution Coordination Courses Hosted by NRDC-GR

From Monday, June 17th to Friday, June 28th 2024, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Greece (NRDC-GR) hosted the “Multinational Logistics Coordination Centre” (MLCC), which organized and conducted the “LOGFAS Operational Movement Planning Course” and the “LOGFAS Movement Execution and Coordination Course.” These courses featured speakers and participants from NATO Force Structure (NFS) HQs. The primary…

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Tactical Operations Assessment Workshop (OPSA WS)

From Tuesday, June 4th until Thursday, June 6th, 2024, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Greece (NRDC-GR) hosted the annual Tactical Operations Assessment Workshop (OPSA WS), organized by Allied Land Command (LANDCOM), on its premises in Thessaloniki, Greece. The purposes of the Tactical OPSA Workshop were to standardize the OPSA procedures and to share experiences and best…

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NRDC-GR Exercise “GORDIAN KNOT 24” Main Planning Conference

 On Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th of May 2024, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Greece (NRDC-GR) organized and conducted the Main Planning Conference (MPC) of the exercise “GORDIAN KNOT 24” (GOKN24) with the support and presence of Greek and Allied staff officers from affiliated Units and Formations. NRDC-GR DCOS PLANS, Brigadier General (ITA A) Giovanni PARMIGGIANI, welcomed all the participants…

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NRDC-GR “IKAROS I/24” Seminar

A two days seminar called “IKAROS I/24”  was conducted on 28-29 May 24 by the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Greece/Air Operations Coordination Centre (NRDC-GR/AOCC). The aim of the seminar was to enhance the knowledge of NRDC-GR Staff on matters related to air domain. The seminar focused the first day on providing air operational briefing…

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“International Humanitarian Law and CIMIC challenges in the context of Russia – Ukraine War” A CIMIC – LEGAD Seminar 

On Tuesday the 13th and Wednesday the 14th of February 2024, NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Greece (NRDC-GR), conducted the CIMIC- LEGAD seminar that was focused on International Humanitarian Law and CIMIC challenges in the context of Russia – Ukraine War”. The aim of the seminar was to enlighten NRDC-GR staff and the distinguished participants…

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